dealloc3d (2-dimensional Dataset)

dealloc3d _ [vdt] _ll [cdt] _t [tdt] subroutine is used to deallocate a 3-dimensional NetCDF dataset. Combinations can be made for the statements of this subroutine by replacing [vdt] by one of the data types defined in the FPL library ([byte, short, int, float, double]), [cdt] by a defined suffix for the data type of the coordinates f for float and d for double and [tdt] by a defined suffix for the datatype of time (i for integer, f for float and d for double).

dealloc3d _ [vdt] _ll [cdt] _t [tdt] (idata)

Type naming:
[vdt]:variable datatype [byte, short, int, float or double]
[cdt]:coordinates datatype [float f , double d ]
[tdt]:time datatype (integer i, float f, double i)
Subroutine Parameters:
idata:map to be created. See Structure Fields.

idata structure with ncdata, longitudes, latitudes and times deallocated.

Code Example:

Deallocate a grid of type short with coordinates and time defined as float. (dealloc3d _ short _ll f _t f).
subroutine dealloc3d_short_llf_tf(idata)
  type(nc3d_short_llf_tf) :: idata
  deallocate(idata%longitudes, idata%latitudes, idata%times, idata%ncdata)
  deallocate(idata%dimid, idata%dimsize, idata%dimname, idata%dimunits, idata%varids)
end subroutine dealloc3d_short_llf_tf