Historical carbon stocks database for Western Bahia (1990-2018)
We developed the first time series of carbon stocks (Aboveground- AGB, Belowground- BGB and Soil Carbon Stocks-SCS) for Western Bahia from 1990-2018. This region is located at the largest and most dynamic agricultural frontier in Brazil known as MATOPIBA.
The methods used here to develop carbon stocks time series combine data from the literature for Aboveground (AGB) and Belowground (BGB), and Soil Carbon Stocks measurements (SCS) for six land use and land cover classes (irrigated agriculture, rainfed agriculture, pasture, Savana Formations, Grasslands formations, and Forest formations) with modeling and remote sensing techniques. All maps have a scale of 1:15,000 (30 m spatial resolution) and are in NetCDF (network Common Data Form) format.
Data sources, assumptions and calculations of these time series were described and discussed in the study “Carbon stocks and dynamics of different land uses on the Cerrado agricultural frontier” (Dionizio et al., 2020), publication in PLOS ONE journal.
These maps described in Dionizio et al., (2020) are available in the PANGAEA repository and can be downloaded in https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.923885. Reference: Dionizio, Emily Ane; Pimenta, Fernando Martins; Lima, Lucas Barbosa; Costa, Marcos Heil (2020): Historical carbon stocks database for Western Bahia (1990-2018). PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.923885